December 23, 2022
Wild View’s 10 Most Popular Posts from 2022
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Our Wild View audience (and our contributors) had a number of favorite topics in 2022 including ecosystems in Africa, jewel-toned reptiles, self-regulating sea lions, parrots named for potatoes, cool careers – both now and then, and a ride-sharing dinosaur in New York City.
Here are the top 10 Wild View posts from the last 12 months.
As with all other species, elephants play crucial roles within their ecosystem, with numerous species of plant and animal being affected by their presence – or absence. –Sarah Markes. Poster by Sarah Markes ©WCS.
How Do Sea Lions Stay Warm in New York City?
One simple way sea lions can regulate their body temperature is through the increase or decrease of their blubber. –Sarah Rashed. Photo by ©Jennifer Rant.
Delivering Dinosaurs in New York City
There was a reason for all the rubbernecking on a recent day in New York City. A dinosaur was cruising in the fast lane. –Julie Larsen Maher. Photo by Julie Larsen Maher ©WCS.
This time of year coincides with breeding season and the males are at their brightest, firing up to the most incredible blueish hues to advertise their dominance against rivals and to attract receptive females. –Andrew Kathriner. Photo by ©Andrew Kathriner.
The Importance of Miombo Woodlands
WCS Tanzania’s Ruaha-Katavi Program is working to safeguard key swathes of Miombo that form important wildlife corridors between protected areas. –Sarah Markes. Poster by Sarah Markes ©WCS.
Coral Reefs and Climate Change
Unique geographic features in northern Tanzania help keep sea water temperatures lower and more stable than in other coastal areas. –Sarah Markes. Poster by Sarah Markes ©WCS.
Chris Papaleo: Part of the Bronx Zoo Family
Chris Papaleo began his career at the Bronx Zoo when he was 14 years old as a parking attendant. Twenty-five years later, Papaleo is now Director of Admissions and Parking Operations. –Julie Larsen Maher. Photo by Julie Larsen Maher ©WCS.
Jessica White: Food for Thought
Jessica White recently became the first Black female manager of WCS’s Animal Commissary located at the Bronx Zoo. –Julie Larsen Maher. Photo by Julie Larsen Maher ©WCS.
Clark was named in honor of a groundbreaking marine conservationist, Dr. Eugenie Clark. –Stephanie Graehling. Photos by ©Mote Marine Laboratory; Inset ©Jennifer Rant.
Thick-billed Parrots: Native to North America
This year, the Queens Zoo was fortunate to have a new breeding pair of thick-billed parrots successfully hatch and rear two chicks that are called “Potato and Spud”. –Dana D. Vasquez. Photo by Julie Larsen Maher ©WCS.
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