©Lindsay Silverman
November 18, 2019
A Lion King
- as seen by -

Perhaps the the most beautiful of the animals on the African Plains, lions (Panthera leo) are my favorite. I never get tired of photographing them.
The big cats seem to notice that I’m taking their picture and strike amazing poses – each one different from the next. This lion at WCS’s Bronx Zoo was relaxing in the shade of a large tree when I took this photo – one of many – when he decided to pick his head up and look across his body in my direction.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The photo above was chosen as one of the top submissions for Wild View’s How’s Your Summer? assignment. Congratulations!
Nikon Z6, FTZ Adapter, AFS NIKKOR 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
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