July 30, 2018
Valuing Biodiversity
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Tanzania’s Southern Highlands are part of the Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot. This is one of 36 hotspots that scientists have designated around the world due to their especially high number of species — including many found nowhere else on earth — as well as their high level of threat from human activities. Over 50% of the world’s plant species and 42% of all terrestrial vertebrate species are restricted to these 36 hotspots, making them urgent priorities for biodiversity conservation at a global scale. These ecosystems sustain the lives of millions of people through the provision of essential needs as well as supporting livelihoods, culture, local, and national economies.
WCS Tanzania has a long running environmental education program reaching primary and secondary schools and communities with awareness raising activities and materials. The CEPF Eastern Afromontane Hotspot Program recently supported us to develop new educational materials highlighting the value of biodiversity. The posters pictured here illustrate the many benefits of a healthy ecosystem, contrasted with the damaging effects of environmental degradation.
Here’s hoping these materials help inspire communities to safeguard their natural environment for generations to come!
EDITOR’S NOTE: PDFs of these posters are available from sarahindar@gmail.com.
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