June 15, 2023
More Than A Fly
- as seen by -

I had so much trouble finding a goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia) to photograph. Yellow on yellow. No chance to spot one. Then, I saw a fly that looked a little too still. I had no idea that the arachnid was amidst the sun-colored plant that shares its moniker.
I was using a 100mm lens, which put me a little further away than I usually take photos. I went into the house to check what I had taken on a bigger screen. Only then did I see the legs of the spider reaching around its prey. No wonder the fly had not moved. I put the card back in my camera, switched to a 50mm macro lens so I could get a closer shot, and took some more pictures knowing that there was more than a fly in this scene.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This photo was chosen as one of the top submissions for Wild View’s In Disguise assignment. Congratulations!
Pentax K-1, DFA 100mm Macro WR, flash with diffuser
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