May 25, 2017
A Young Hummer
- as seen by -

Our backyard garden in Baldwin, New York holds a number of plants to which hummingbirds are attracted. Here’s a juvenile male ruby-throated hummingbird near a black and blue salvia. The adult male hummers rarely stop by, and then, only in May or June on their northerly migratory trek. In late summer, starting mid-August, the adult females arrive with offspring and stay for six to seven weeks before heading south. They visit various salvias, lobelias, tithonia (Mexican sunflower,) and hosta. Hummingbirds are also insectivores. In addition to these food sources, we provide three or four nectar feeders for them.
It is sometimes difficult to tell the young males from the females, but this little guy is sporting a bright bit of red on his throat, a dead giveaway.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Snap some feather-filled shots and participate in our For The Birds Wild View photo assignment here.
Canon EOS 7D with 300mm f/4 Lens
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