©Tim Davenport
May 12, 2014
Dance in the Sky
- as seen by -

The world of conservation is complex and murky, often dealing with the darker and less salubrious side of human nature. As a consequence, I often ask myself why I do it. Why do we all spend so much of our lives taking risks in order to try and effect change for the environment? It is not an easy question to answer, although I believe one reason lies in the preservation of natural beauty. I take photographs often to escape, to see the world from a different perspective and, of course, to promote what we do, and what we are trying to protect. Time and time again, I see beauty through my lens, and this simple image is an avian example of that, as two terns dance in the sky. Natural beauty, in all its forms, is worth all the effort.
Nikon D700
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Julie Larsen Maher
May 12, 2014 at 9:31 pm
I wonder where Dr. Davenport was when he took this photo? It seems he is flying alongside the terns.
May 14, 2014 at 3:36 pm
Species confirmation please… “Tern” is a bit vague. (Nerd alert!)
Julie Larsen Maher
May 15, 2014 at 12:32 pm
This pair of common terns (Sterna hirundo) flew past Dr. Davenport while he was in a boat off the northeast coast of Zanzibar.