January 15, 2025
A Brief Moment
- as seen by -

I saw the bees near the flowers and went for it, taking photo after photo with the hope that I might take one that was interesting. I got lucky and was able to capture a moment that changed in an instant. The bee landed on the flower, collecting nectar and pollen to feed the hive, then flew on. A little patience and a lot of respect for my subject equaled my remaining un-stung.
I was so excited to get this photo. The stripes on the bee contrast with the vivid colors of the flower and the brightness of it all is a reminder of a season almost over but a warmth that yet remains.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This photo was chosen as one of the top submissions for Wild View’s Spots and Stripes assignment. Congratulations! Check out our current assignment Art in Nature.
Canon EOS R100
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