February 28, 2023
In Disguise
- as seen by -
Julie Larsenv class="GmediaGallery_SinglePage">
Neil DeMaster
Neil DeMaster
Herring gull.
Chincoteague, Virginia, United States.
#protect our environment #protect wildlife #protect nature #outside #outdoor #outdoor photography #reflection #save our seas #wildlife photography #wings up #wildlife #water #seabird #seagull #nature photography #nature #gull #gull landing #conserve nature #conservation #bird #coming in for a landing #herring gull #herring gull landing #landing #larus argentatus #keep public lands public #keep our water clean #keep our air clean #keep our oceans clean #animal
Album | Make a Splash |
Neil DeMaster
Neil DeMaster
Green frog.
Stirling, New Jersey, United States.
#protect our environment #protect nature #outdoor photography #outdoor #protect wildlife #rana clamitans #wildlife photography #wildlife #reflection #rana clamitans melanota #nature photography #nature #conserve nature #conservation #ban pesticides #animal #frog #Green Frog #keep public lands public #keep our water clean #keep our air clean #amphibian
Album | Make a Splash |
Neil DeMaster
Neil DeMaster
Eastern painted turtle.
Stirling, New Jersey, United States.
#protect our environment #protect nature #painted turtle #outdoor photography #protect wildlife #reflection #wildlife photography #wildlife #turtle #reptile #outdoor #nature photography #conserve nature #conservation #Chrysemys picta #ban pesticides #eastern painted turtle #keep our air clean #nature #mirror image #keep public lands public #keep our water clean #animal
Album | Make a Splash |
Neil DeMaster
Neil DeMaster
Purple sandpiper.
Brooklyn, New York, United States.
#outdoor #outdoor photography #protect nature #orange legs #orange bill #ny nature #ny wildlife #protect our environment #protect wildlife #wildlife #wildlife photography #wading bird #sandpiper #purple sandpiper #rock #ny bird #nature photography #calidris maritima #coney island bird #coney island nature #buff #brown #ban pesticides #bird #coney island wildlife #conservation #keep public lands public #nature #keep our air clean #detail #conserve nature #conserve wildlife #animal
Album | A Pop of Color |
Neil DeMaster
Neil DeMaster
Red fox.
Bernardsville, New Jersey, United States.
#protect nature #protect our environment #outdoor photography #outdoor #nj wildlife #orange #protect wildlife #red fox #wildlife #wildlife photography #vulpes vulpes #tail #red fox on a log #nj nature #nj mammal #ears #fox #conserve wildlife #conserve nature #conservation #fox on a log #furry #nature #nature photography #mammal #keep public lands public #keep our air clean #animal
Album | A Pop of Color |
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