
An Eye on Wildlife

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Meet Quint!

May 27, 2024

Meet Quint!

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Meagan Fontanez Meagan Fontanez

On January 5, 2012, a two-week-old southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) was found stranded with a shoulder laceration on Cayucos Beach in California. He weighed no more than six pounds at the time of his rescue. He was admitted to the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s veterinary intensive care unit. It is believed his wound was a result of a white shark bite that may have killed his mother. The young pup was named Quint after Captain Quint from the 1975 movie “Jaws”.

Shortly after Quint’s arrival, he was introduced to a female sea otter named Joy who served as his surrogate mother. Joy and Quint got along swimmingly from the initial introduction. They stayed together on exhibit from Valentine’s Day 2012 until May 29, 2012, when Quint was shifted to a behind-the-scenes area to prepare him for his move to the Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium.

Quint was transported to the New York Aquarium in June of 2012 to live with our collection. Over the last decade, his companions have included southern sea otters Jacob and Ryder, and northern sea otter Tazo. Quint formed a special relationship with each of them.

Here at the Aquarium, we offer Quint five training sessions per day due to the fact that sea otters have a fast metabolism. We make sure these sessions are as variable as possible focusing on mental stimulation and husbandry behaviors. Quint’s behavior repertoire includes “hop” where he hops out of the water, “clap” where he brings his paws together to make a clapping noise, and “spiral” where he rolls at the water’s surface.

When Quint isn’t participating in a feeding session, guests can often see him diving down to the bottom of the exhibit, taking a nap, or interacting with environmental enrichment devices (EEDs). He will pull all EEDs offered on deck into the water. Frozen kelp burritos, ice piles, and EEDs with food inside are among his favorite items.

Having the opportunity to work with an animal like Quint is truly an honor. We learn just as much from him as he learns from us. We’re incredibly grateful to have Quint at the New York Aquarium to be an advocate for his wild counterparts.

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