August 7, 2015
Sundowner in Africa
- as seen by -

I was in Etosha National Park in northern Namibia looking forward to a sundowner as I sat by the famous water hole at Okaukuejo. It had been a long, hot, and dusty four hour ride getting to the park and a cool drink was just what I needed as I watched the animals including elephants, springbok, and black-backed jackals come in for their evening refreshment.
For this special occasion, I bought an ice-cold bottle of beer. As I sat down with my camera in my lap, I reached into my pocket for my key chain with the bottle opener on it. Fumbling around, it slowly dawned on me that my key chain (with its useful bottle opener) was sitting on the kitchen counter at home in the United States.
While I went thirsty that night, I did get this photo of an Angolan giraffe with the setting sun behind it – a real African sundowner!
Nikon D80
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