August 5, 2015
Shark Watching
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As we begin to get ready for the Ocean Wonders exhibit at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium, one of the most exciting things about it is the new animals we will be caring for.
I have spent a lot of time watching our sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) and find myself entranced by these lovely animals which have not been exhibited at the aquarium before. They are active and elegant swimmers, effortlessly gliding just above the sand substrate at the bottom of their pool. The other staff who have been working with them agree that they are surprisingly inquisitive and engaged.
When I am on the deck above their pool, the sharks mark my presence, swinging up to check me out with their cat-like eyes as they move past.
They’re in holding now but will be on public display later this summer, and they’ll be waiting for you when Ocean Wonders opens in early 2017.
I can’t wait for you to see them, too.
Nikon D4
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