An Eye on Wildlife
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Assignment Open From
Dec 9 - Feb 14, 2020
Signs of winter are all around. Snowy blankets cover the countryside. Bears, bison, snow leopards, and tigers are ready for the cold with fur that is long and lush. Ducks, cranes, owls, and penguins are cushioned in downy feathers.
Grab your coat and camera. Photograph winter wildlife and wild places that inspire you, then send us your best shots of the season.
Our editorial team will choose the best submissions based on appeal, composition, originality, and technical quality. A group of chosen shots for this assignment will be posted on this page and one will be featured.
We can consider a maximum of four submissions per contributor.
NOTE: For this assignment, we’re offering an incentive. The author of the featured photo chosen by our editorial team will receive a Patagonia Refugio Pack 28L, perfect for transporting your gear to the office, the crag, or the beach. See the official Contest Rules.
View Published StorySelected Entries

Black wolf.
Wolf Mountain Nature Center, Smyrna, New York, United States.
Album | Winter |

Arctic fox.
Wolf Mountain Nature Center, Smyrna, New York, United States.
Album | Winter |

Snow leopard.
Bronx Zoo, Bronx, New York, United States.
Album | Winter |

Canada lynx.
Stone Zoo, Stoneham, Massachusetts, United States.
Album | Winter |

Cougar cub.
Stone Zoo, Stoneham, Massachusetts, United States.
Album | Winter |

Vermillion flycatcher.
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Florida, United States.
Album | Winter |

Wood frog.
Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.
Album | Winter |

Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx, New York, United States.
Album | Winter |

Blue jay.
Inwood Hill Park, Inwood, New York, United States.
Album | Winter |

Inwood Hill Park, Inwood, New York, United States.
Album | Winter |

Red-bellied woodpecker.
Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx, New York, United States.
Album | Winter |