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Make a Splash

Assignment Open From
Jun 8 - Aug 22, 2021
Renaissance artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci described water as “the driving force of all nature.”
Aquatic and land animals rely on it for drinking, swimming, cooling off, and just living life (right, hippopotamus in Uganda).
Send us your best photos of wildlife and water. Snap a duckling’s first dip, a sensational sea lion splash, whales in harmony, or frogs on fronds.
Our editorial team will choose the best submissions based on appeal, composition, originality, and technical quality. A group of chosen pictures will be posted on this page, and one will even be featured.
For this assignment, we’re offering an incentive. The author of the featured photo chosen by our editorial team will receive a Patagonia Paxat Pack 32L, perfect for transporting your gear to the office, the crag, or the beach. See the official Contest Rules.
We can consider a maximum of six submissions per contributor.
View Published StorySelected Entries

Herring gull.
Chincoteague, Virginia, United States.
Album | Make a Splash |

Green frog.
Stirling, New Jersey, United States.
Album | Make a Splash |

Eastern painted turtle.
Stirling, New Jersey, United States.
Album | Make a Splash |

Purple sandpiper.
New Jersey, United States.
Album | Let Your Creativity Fly |

New Jersey, United States.
Album | Let Your Creativity Fly |

Delaware, United States.
Album | Let Your Creativity Fly |

Red-shouldered hawk.
Stirling, New Jersey, United States.
Album | Let Your Creativity Fly |

Great egret.
Assateague Island, Virginia, United States.
Album | Let Your Creativity Fly |

Everglades National Park, Florida, United States.
Album | Let Your Creativity Fly |

Purple sandpiper.
Brooklyn, New York, United States.
Album | A Pop of Color |

Red fox.
Bernardsville, New Jersey, United States.
Album | A Pop of Color |