An Eye on Wildlife
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I Miss My Zoo, I Miss My Aquarium

Assignment Open From
May 5 - Jun 15, 2020
With temporary closings of AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums due to COVID-19, we all miss seeing the animals in their care.
We’d like to visit zoos and aquariums through your lens. Share photos of your most memorable moments from your favorite zoo or aquarium and bring us all closer to the animals we love (right, gelada family and baby).
WCS’s Wild View editorial team will choose the best photos based on appeal, composition, originality, and technical quality. Select photos will be posted on this Wild View page and the best one will be featured.
We can consider a maximum of six submissions per contributor.
The author of the featured photo selected will receive a $100 Patagonia gift card. See the official Contest Rules.
Join us in AZA’s campaign #IMissMyZoo #IMissMyAquarium.
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Cuban crocodile, Smithsonian National Zoological Park, Washington, D.C.