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Color in Nature

Assignment Open From
Aug 26 - Sep 25, 2014
The Himalayan monal is striking. All the more so on its home turf, high in the mountains of Asia, against a backdrop of rock and snow. “Once seen,” wrote WCS’s founding ornithologist William Beebe, “it is never forgotten.” Have you seen a similarly stunning color combination? Send us the best burst you can find in nature, be it from your backyard or the back of a Himalayan pheasant.
Our editorial team will choose the best submissions based on appeal, composition, originality, and technical quality. A group of chosen shots for this assignment will be posted on this page and one will even be featured.
View Published StorySelected Entries

Equal armed sea star, Dolphin Point, Vashon Island, Washington.
Album | Color in Nature |

Helmeted guineafowl, Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda.
Album | Color in Nature |

Red-throated bee-eaters, Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda.
Album | Color in Nature |

A cluster of colorful succulents at Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden in California.
Album | Color in Nature |

Honduran emerald hummingbird is considered one of the most endangered birds in Central America.
Album | Color in Nature |

A sharp nose puffer, Cape Fear Ledge exhibit at the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher.
Album | Color in Nature |

Peacock courting peahens, Palos Verdes Peninsula, California.
Album | Color in Nature |

The blue poison arrow frog has bright warning colors. Zoo Miami.
Album | Color in Nature |

Lubber grasshoppers, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Florida.
Album | Color in Nature |

Beautifully colored bird in butterfly museum.
Album | Color in Nature |

Clownfish, Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Album | Color in Nature |

King penguins, Gold Harvour, Islas Goergias del Sur.
Album | Color in Nature |

Native wildflowers attract a real beauty in the suburbs outside Chicago.
Album | Color in Nature |

Peacock, Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, Bharatpur, Rajasthan.
Album | Color in Nature |

Red-eyed tree frog, La Fortuna, Costa Rica.
Album | Color in Nature |

Wildflower meadow, Norfolk Botanical Garden, Virginia.
Album | Color in Nature |

Praying mantis, Bangalore, Karnataka , India.
Album | Color in Nature |

Blue-crowned motmot builds its burrow in the cliffs of Los Amigos Conservation Concession, Madre de Dios, Peru.
Album | Color in Nature |

Golden-winged skimmer. Breeding males of this species are a vivid red.
Album | Color in Nature |

Tulip Explosion at Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden.
Album | Color in Nature |

Sally Lightfoot crab on the shoreline of the Galapagos.
Album | Color in Nature |

Field of gold with wildflowers and Eastern tiger swallowtail.
Album | Color in Nature |

Titan arum in bloom near the village of Air Putih, Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia.
Album | Color in Nature |

A peacock with plumage that appears to be studded with living jewels.
Album | Color in Nature |

Breeding season for the ocellated turkeys in Belize.
Album | Color in Nature |

Orange-winged Amazon parrot feathers show fantastic colors.
Album | Color in Nature |

The lilac-breasted roller might just be one of the earth's most beautiful creatures.
Album | Color in Nature |