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All Things Autumn

Assignment Open From
Oct 16 - Nov 30, 2016
It is the time of year for a spectacular splash of colors. Rich reds, oranges, golds, and browns surround us in foliage, feathers, and fur. Eagles, owls, tigers, and bears all celebrate the changes that autumn brings.
Capture some of these signs of this season with your camera and share them with us.
Our editorial team will choose the best submissions based on appeal, composition, originality, and technical quality. We can consider a maximum of four submissions per contributor. A group of chosen shots for this assignment will be posted on this page, and some may even be featured.
View Published StorySelected Entries

Battle Creek, Michigan, United States.
Album | All Things Autumn |

Common eastern bumblebee.
Alderville Black Oak Savanna, Ontario, Canada.
Album | All Things Autumn |

Snow leopard.
Bronx Zoo, Bronx, New York, United States.
Album | All Things Autumn |

White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire, United States.
Album | All Things Autumn |

Central Park, New York City, New York, United States
Album | All Things Autumn |

Malayan tiger cub
Bronx Zoo, Bronx, New York, United States.
Album | All Things Autumn |

Monarch butterfly.
Bronx Zoo, Bronx, New York, United States.
Album | All Things Autumn |

Red-ruffed lemur.
Bronx Zoo, Bronx, New York, United States.
Album | All Things Autumn |

Snow leopard.
Central Park Zoo, Manhattan, New York, United States.
Album | All Things Autumn |

Red wolf.
Beardsley Zoo, Bridgeport, Connecticut, United States.
Album | All Things Autumn |

African elephant.
Riverbanks Zoo, Columbia, South Carolina, United States.
Album | All Things Autumn |

American Painted Lady.
Baldwin, New York, United States.
Album | All Things Autumn |

American Bison In Fall, Bronx Zoo, New York.
Album | All Things Autumn |

Snow Leopard Leo In Fall, Bronx Zoo, New York.
Album | All Things Autumn |

Amur Tiger with Fall Leaf Tiger Mountain, Bronx Zoo, New York
Album | All Things Autumn |

Snow Monkey, Fall Colors, Central Park Zoo, New York.
Album | All Things Autumn |