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Winter Wildlife

Assignment Open From
Nov 14 - Jan 18, 2015
Once, WCS Senior Conservationist Dr. George Schaller was walking in the hills of northern Pakistan when he spotted a snow leopard some 150 feet away. The two locked eyes and took each other in. “Though snow soon capped her head and shoulders,” he writes of the elusive animal in his book, Stones of Silence, “she remained, silent and still, seemingly impervious to the elements. Wisps of clouds swirled around, transforming her into a ghost creature, part myth and part reality.”
If your home gets cold and snowy like the snow leopard’s range, brave the frigid air and send us a great shot of winter wildlife. If not, what does winter wildlife look like by you? Our editorial team will choose the best submissions based on appeal, composition, originality, and technical quality. A group of chosen shots for will be posted on the blog and one will even be featured.
Please choose your photos wisely. We can only consider a maximum of six submissions per contributor. Get us your favorite.
Entry period has ended
Selected Entries

Point Lobos State Natural Reserve, Moss Landing, California.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Amur Leopard, Jacksonville Zoo, Florida, in December.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Red Ruffed Lemur Sun Worshipping in Winter, Lemur Conservation Foundation, Myakka City, Florida.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Polar Bear and Cub, South of Churchill, Manitoba.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Polar Bears Play Fighting, South of Churchill, Manitoba by Hudson Bay.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Juvenile snow leopard with enrichment, Bronx Zoo, New York.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Sossy, the male snow leopard cub at the Milwaukee County Zoo enjoying his one of his first wointer days.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Wolf, Blacktail Creek pack, Yellowstone National Park.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Snowy owl, St. Soo Marie, Michigan.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Rare hatchling of the giant South American turtle, inter in Tapaua, Brazil.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Pacific walruses love the snow at the New York Aquarium.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Winter in Miami. Gopher tortoise emerging from burrow after fire, ash, and rebirth of fire-dependent ecosystem.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Amur tigers, Tiger Mountain, Bronx Zoo.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Bearded vulture, female, Riga Zoo in Riga, Latvia.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Snow leopard cub with icicles at Bronx Zoo.
Album | Winter Wildlife |

Great white owl, Silver Sands State Park, Milford, Connecticut.
Album | Winter Wildlife |